
Elevate and Amplify Our Queens’ Voices

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Queens Village invites our community of Black men, along with White and POC allies and medical professionals, to stand with us to elevate and amplify the voices of Queens in the fight for equity and reproductive justice for Black women.


Take the Pledge

Queens Village asks that, as an ally, you use your voice in rooms and conversations in which Black women are not present to reduce and eliminate the adversity they experience.

  • Elevate and amplify the voices of Black women

  • Provide support, availability and understanding

  • Debunk stereotypes

  • Listen


For more information about joining us to Stand For Queens, email

Black Men

Join us to experience community, networking and self-healing to uncover your true strength, love and power as a Black man. This is an imperfect journey of discovery to step up and raise your voice in solidarity to show our Black women that they are worthy and they matter.

Healthcare Professionals

Join a community of allies who are outspoken and unrelenting in their pursuit of justice and equity for Black women and babies in the medical space. 


Join a community of allies who are outspoken and unrelenting in their pursuit of justice and equity for Black women and babies.

Make a Donation

Help Amplify Black Women’s Voices

All proceeds go toward continuing our work at Queens Village, powering Cradle Cincinnati.