Get Involved

Elevate and Amplify Our Queens’ Voices

There are many ways to get involved with Queens Village to help us reach our goal of maternal equity for Black moms and babies. Whether you would like to donate, sponsor, or join the movement, we want to hear from you.

  • Join the<br/>Village

    Interested in joining a Queens Village Chapter in your area?

  • Make a <br/>Donation

    All proceeds to towards continuing our work at Queens Village.

  • Partner <br/>with Us

    Interested in starting a Chapter, sponsoring an event, hosting a workshop, or partnering on a program?


Take the Pledge

Queens Village invites our community of white, POC allies, medical professionals, and Black men to stand with us to elevate and amplify the voices of Queens in the fight for equity and reproductive justice for Black women.

For the Allies

Queens Village asks that, as an ally, you use your voice in rooms and conversations in which Black women are not present to reduce and eliminate the adversity they experience.

• Elevate and amplify the voices of Black women

• Provide support, availability and understanding

• Debunk stereotypes

• Listen

For Black Men

Kings Stand is a Queens Village brotherhood where Black fathers can grow and support each other in our work toward equity for Black women. We are a place for conversation, for fathers to have an outlet from everyday struggles and connect with other fathers who can relate.

General Inquires

We’d love to talk. Submit the form below to reach out to Queens Village.